ARAI (Automotive Research Association of India) has approved the proposal to operate the buses of the same shape to operate throughout Tamil Nadu.
Based on this approval, the new rule AIS 052 has been implemented. Thus, all the buses to be manufactured henceforth will be based on this rule.
All the buses, under the public and private sectors, local, outstation, deluxe, or Volvo types of buses will be manufactured on this basis.
The new rule was proposed during the year 2012 and implemented during 2015. However, the approval was granted only recently.
In this situation, The number of seats in the new buses to be manufactured for metro services has been reduced from 40 seats to 37 seats. In a similar exercise, the number of seats in the buses for outstation trips has been reduced from 57 to 51. This reduction will facilitate easier operation of the emergency exit door. The space between adjacent seats has also been increased.
The present seating arrangement is being changed to provide 2 separate seats to facilitate the taller person to sit without any discomfort.
Doors will be fitted at the entrances of the buses. The control of the door operation will be fully with the driver. Though the number of seats has been reduced, the new arrangement ensures more comfortable seats and facilitate quick emergency actions if required.
As regards the state of Tamil Nadu, the buses operating in Karur and other regions are shaped as explained above. Apart from this, all the buses including the deluxe buses manufactured in the 23 workshops of the Tamil Nadu Transport Corporation are shaped as explained above.
It is learnt from the Tamil Nadu transport Corporation Circles that the new buses with revised shape manufactured after the ARAI approval and the associated new rules will be ready and available for service before the next year.