Kumari Palany & Co

Weather Update for Wipro Chennai Marathon (TN Weatherman)

Posted on: 02/Dec/2017 12:42:21 PM
Perfectly the date coincides with break in rains. So what will the weather be for the runners?
  1. Temperature will pleasant to start with at 26 C and will slightly increase to 29 C as day goes on.
  2. Winds will be less at around 10 km/hr on average. At times, you can feel nice breeze.
  3. Being our monsoon, the humidity will be on higher side at around 80-85% during the start of the race and will decrease to 70-75% as day goes on. Still it is high, so get hydrated often.
  4. It will be cloudy at times and not much chance or rains.
  5. Visibility will be good.
Have a great and safe run to all the participants.

Courtesy: Tamil Nadu Weatherman