Kumari Palany & Co

Weather update (Tamil Nadu Weatherman)

Posted on: 04/Dec/2017 9:48:30 AM
The low pressure in the Bay of Bengal will become a Depression by tomorrow and Deep Depression subsequently and a possible Cyclone too in open waters. In coming days, u will see massive big clouds in Satellite image. But dont fear seeing it.

But as it nears the Andhra coast, it becomes a mokka system and it weakens due to unfavorable conditions.

If lucky we will get one day of rains depending upon the bands which fall over us, when it is moving away from us towards Andhra. When it reaches Andhra, it will be skeleton thaan.

People need not fear about this system. Please carry on with your regular work. Those who have left Chennai based on rumors. No comments, u have wasted your precious leave.
More updates on this mokka system to follow.

Fishermen are alone need to be in vigil and should not venture into Sea

As the Depression develops sea will be rough, so fishermen, please dont venture into sea in the coming days.

Note: This is based on my personal interpretation and not to create any confusion. Please follow our IMD for official forecast and take necessary advisory steps.

Courtesy: Tamil Nadu Weatherman