Google Pixel 2 smartphone has received a major price cut on Flipkart. Flipkart is holding a 3 day long Big Shopping Days. The offer is for a limited time period which starts on Thursday, December 7 and end on December 9.
The base model with 64GB storage is originally priced at Rs 61,000, while the 128GB variant is priced at Rs 71,000. Users will get a major discount of Rs 11,001 which brings down the price to Rs 49,999.
Credit / debit card users will get Rs 10,000 offer on the phone that brings down the price to Rs 39,000. Flipkart is also giving an additional cashback of up to Rs 18,000 on an exchange.
Google Pixel 2 features
- 5-inch Cinematic full-HD display
- Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 SoC
- 4GB of RAM
- 64GB/ 128GB
- 12.2-megapixel primary camera
- 8-megapixel front shooter for selfies
- 2700mAh battery
- USB Type-C port
- Android 8