The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) has announced that interested candidates may apply for the Group-4 written examination until 20th December.
TNPSC released the advertisement on 14th November for filling up the 9351 vacants in Group-4 cadre. It was announced that the applications may be sent from 14th November for a month period until 13th December as the deadline date.
For this Group-4 examination, an unprecedented record of 18.33 Lakhs applications has been received by TNPSC. Further, more applications have been received from Kanyakumari district as compared to the number of applications in the previous years.
However, considering the recent cyclone Ockhi and the havoc caused by it in the Southern coast of Tamil Nadu. TNPSC has extended the deadline until 20th December especially with a view to facilitating candidates from the districts and areas affected by Ockhi.
As arrangements have already been made and finalised to conduct this Group-4 written test on 11th February 2018, and the time available is very short, TNPSC has emphasised that the deadline for the Group-4 examination will not be extended any further.
So, the candidates are advised that they should not wait for anymore and avail this opportunity to apply early. Those who have already applied need not do so again. It is sufficient if they check and confirm that their applications have been accepted.
There is certainly no change in the examination date 11th February 2018.