The best kept-secrets of internet users is naturally their passwords. However, there seem not to be enough importance given to setting up these passwords to their online accounts. An Annual ranking of worst passwords of 2017 analyzed the data obtained out of 5 million leaked passwords of which most were from North America and Western European countries. These were leaked by hackers.
The data states that most of these are very easy to be guessed. One of the 2 common password choices by people are “Password” and “123456”, as they both are very easy. The report has stated a list of 10 worst passwords which includes “12345678”, “123456789”, “qwerty”, “letmein”, “football”, “iloveyou”, “Monkey”, “123123”, “starwars”, etc. in the year 2017.
As most of the users prefer setting easy-numbered or single worded passwords, it is easy for the hackers to break into the online accounts. Hence, users are firmly recommended to set very strong password to all their online accounts with words, characters, and numbers so that they don’t fall prey for data breach. Furthermore, using the same password for more than one account is not recommended, it adds.