Kumari Palany & Co

More than one lakh staffs belonging to transport did not get part of their monthly salaries

Posted on: 01/Feb/2018 10:56:51 AM
It is known that recently many transport staffs took part in strike demanding better wages. The news that has emerged now is more than one lakh transport staffs did not get their quarter of their monthly wages now as they took part in this strike.

For being absent from their work for 7 days, these transport staffs have lost as much as Rs 9000 to Rs 15000 now and this amount comes to Rs 130 crores totally.

One shocking piece of information is conditional retirements were given to as many as 200 staffs belonging to transport who retired on Wednesday 31st January 2018.

It is now clear that these staffs would not get their retirement benefits plus one fourth of their monthly pension. This would go on until the charges against them for taking part in the strike are cleared.

Mr Arumugam Nainar CITU- affiliated state transport union spoke about how this would create huge issues in the regular expenditure of the workers. He also spoke about the workers having pending bank loans of Rs 3 lakhs to Rs 4 lakhs. It is now confirmed that due to this deduction in the monthly wages these staffs would have just Rs 4000 to Rs 5000 in their hands and they have to use this money for their expenses like bills, groceries etc and it would be very difficult.

It is worthy to mention that out of 1.4 lakh staffs belonging to eight state transport corporations more than 1.1 lakh staffs did not go to work on 5th of January. The reason for that was the discussion regarding the revision of their salaries failed.

Since the state government did not accept the unions demand to raise the worker’s wages by 2.57 multiplication factor, 70 percent of government buses did not function for a period of 7 days.

There were also pressures given to state transport corporations to release pending dues in thousands of crores for the sake of those who have retired.

It must not be forgotten that during the strike the transport department issued a notice to all those protesting staffs and asked them to get back to their works. The notice also stated that salaries would be deducted and protesting staffs would be subjected to disciplinary action.

It must be noted that protests continued till 12th January 2018 and finally unions accepted wage increase by 2.44 multiplication factor as interim relief after High Court referred the wage dispute to arbitration.