Kumari Palany & Co

Nova IVI Fertility - Quote on World Cancer Day

Posted on: 02/Feb/2018 6:31:11 PM
“On the occasion of World Cancer Day being observed on February 4th, Dr. Manish Banker, Director of Nova IVI Fertility highlights the importance of fertility preservation for cancer patients. He says, “The number of cancer survival cases in India and globally has been increasing over the years thanks to increased awareness, early detection, and timely treatment. This brings focus on life post cancer treatment. Adequate attention and rehabilitation is imperative to ensure quality life for cancer surviving patients. 

A common quality of life issue that comes up post cancer treatment is the ability to start a family. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy involve certain drugs and exposure to radiations, which can effectively kill cancer cells and prevent relapses, but may also cause damage to the gametes i.e. eggs and sperms, causing difficulties in conceiving later. Cancer patients have the option to freeze their eggs, sperms, or embryos prior to cancer treatment, so that if infertility unfortunately occurs, they can still conceive through fertility treatment when they are cured. Thanks to greater awareness and advancements in the assisted reproductive techniques, preserving fertility is no more a dream and can be helpful in various cases. Fertility preservation especially for cancer survivors becomes important for a successful beginning to parenthood.’’