Weightage system is followed by the Tamil Nadu government for the recruitment of the graduate teachers and the secondary grade teachers. However, there have been strong protests by the teachers about this. Even the successful candidates in the teacher selection tests insisted that the government must do away with the weightage system. There was an agitation conducted in this regard.
Several cases were also filed against the weightage system in the court. However, the High Court dismissed these petitions.
After this protests and insistence to do away with the weightage system, the State Minister Sengottaiyan has informed that a review will be conducted on the issue of giving priority to the candidates affected by the weightage system.
However, the confusion still prevailed whether the teachers recruitment will be based on the TET or the weightage system,
In this situation, an information is gathered that the state government of Tamil Nadu has decided to continue with the weightage system for teachers recruitment.
In this system. 60 marks will be allotted to the marks obtained in TET and this will be added with the marks allotted for the marks obtained in 12th Standard, graduation, and the teachers training course and a merit list will be prepared.