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Malnutrition in Country due to Environmental Issues

Posted on: 02/Jan/2013 2:16:42 PM
Due to various environmental issues the food which we eat is malnourished. The man made  natural calamities like soil erosion,Deforestation. the food which the state consumes lacks the Micro nutrients which it possessed 50 years ago. Said by Mr. Venkatesh Mannar distinguished alumnus of IIT Madras and Micro nutrient Initiative president and who has been appointed as an Officer of the Order of Canada. he added that Due to rapid deforestation, soil erosion the nutrient content in food crop has dwindled resulting in iodine and iron deficits.

The micro nutrients are vitamins and minerals needed by the body in small quantities and it makes a huge difference to survival and health Micro nutrient Initiative is currently working with Tamil Nadu Salt Corporation in producing double fortified salt whereby iron is added to iodised salt to reduce both iron and iodine deficiencies. “Currently, we have started this in the noon meal scheme of the state.

He also said that Micro nutrient Initiative has also tied with flour mills in producing fortified atta and maida. However, he said such initiatives in the state could be only successful with the state government taking up an initiative in this regard. He highlighted how Gujarat backed the introduction of fortified food in the state by making it mandatory for the mills to have fortified atta or maida. Interestingly, due to pressure from the flour mill owners, the government has to withdraw the order.

The inclusion of lack of micro nutrients leads to include scaling  up zinc for treatment of diarrhoea, community-based maternal and new born health and multiple micro nutrients for health, growth and development of children.

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