Ever since taking over as chief minister of Tamil Nadu Mr. E. Palaniswami has been grabbing the attention of many more than before is known.
For the sake of improving the standard of health in the districts present in Tamil Nadu and improving the infrastructure in northern as well as in western TN, chief minister of Tamil Nadu made few announcements on Tuesday 6th March 2018.
It is important to mention here that on Tuesday the chief minster made as many as 84 announcements related to the districts of TN when he made his presence felt at the conference of district collectors and SP.
Many government based hospitals are present in places like Kancheepuram, Dharmapuri, Theni, Nilgris etc and people visit these government hospitals for their health treatment is known.
It is now clear that chief minister of TN at the conference announced about constructing new buildings plus purchasing modern equipments at the cost of amount of Rs 50 crores for the hospitals.
The chief minister Mr E. Palaniswami made many heads turn when he announced about new borewell plus desilting plans for the purpose of saving the ground water and increasing the drinking water in places like Vellore, Perambulur etc that are water starved. During the floods in the year 2017, dam present in Krishnagiri developed breach and there have been many demands to repair it. Now chief minister assured that Rs 20 crores would be spent on the repair of sluice gates of this KRP dam.
Tamil Nadu chief minister further shared his thoughts about the new roads that would be built in western TN so that motorists belonging to places like Salem, Erode plus others like Coimbatore and Theni would be benefitted. This would be on the infrastructure front and it is a superb piece of information.
According to the chief minster it is now confirmed that in the district of Thanjavur a new grade separator would be making its presence felt and amount of Rs 56 crores would be spent on this grade separator. He further added that water catchment area in Kollidam would be desilted and maintained at cost of Rs 1.15 crores.
The chief minister surprised many when he announced eleven awards under different categories on the third day of the conference. It is superb to mention here that Kancheepuram collectorate and Ariyalur district police were awarded first prize.
Under the best corporation and city police category, corporation of Chennai and city police got first place for their efficiency.