Kumari Palany & Co

Presence of high levels of Vitamin D in blood reduces the risk of developing cancer

Posted on: 09/Mar/2018 10:05:57 AM
Cancer along with heart attacks and kidney failures are the three major health issues that are responsible for the deaths in this world.

The news that has come out now is persons having high levels of Vitamin D in their blood have got lesser risk of developing certain types of cancers.

Based on the study that was carried out on many adults in Japan it is now found out that at many sites vitamin D has got protective effects against cancer.

It is worthy to mention here that vitamin D is made by our skin in response to the sunlight and this Vitamin D is responsible for keeping our bones, muscles and teeth strong and healthy. This is done by maintaining the calcium levels in our body.

It was in the year 1980 the link between vitamin D and cancer was first established by the researchers. This was concluded from those people who lived in higher altitudes where sunlight was less available. As a result of less sunlight the people had lesser vitamin D and they had high colon cancers.

Later many studies threw light on the link between vitamin D and other types of cancers that affect lungs, breast and bladder etc.

Now studies were done on people having their age between 40 and 69 belonging to Asia but initially studies were carried out on those present in Europe and North America only. As many as 33736 men and women were analysed by the researchers.

It must be noted that the participants were monitored for 16 long years on average and 3301 new cancer cases were recorded.