Global Shiksha provides School Courses in the form of Animation, Worksheets and Online Assessment methods. The Animated form of courses for all standards of School Education can be bought though, in DVDs and Pen Drive. There is also SD card option for availing the files for all standards, making it a more diversified form of techno-education.
In the site the courses were subdivided and sorted accordingly for easy selection, sub-divisions for all skills in a particular course make it a more user-friendly online portal. For instance if you are going to buy L.K.G Animation Course there will be separate options as Subject categories, say Mathematics, EVS, English etc.
More than 2000 Schools in India are using Global Shiksha’s products and ICT resources. This form of education can reap the natural imaginative ad creative skill aspects of a child that make the learning more interesting and easy than formal education system.
There are free Demo links through which you can understand the quality of these animated versions of subjects and also about the online assessment courses. Several buying options and packages are enabled in this portal, supporting all Credit/Debit card/Cash on Delivery and banking systems for an efficient accessibility.