Kumari Palany & Co

Tips for women starting a new job

Posted on: 12/Mar/2018 2:42:20 PM
Are you a woman starting a new job? Here is a guide of much-essential tips to follow to leave an ever-lasting impression on your colleagues apart from ensuring your basic safety.

The outfit is the first impression by which a person is judged. By choosing appropriate attire for the workplace, women can make a good impression on their colleagues. If a company has a particular dress code, then one must follow it and if it is casual, then don`t be afraid to tone it down a bit on specific days.

The women must be aware of the terms and conditions. Ask about the conditions regarding holidays properly. In a situation like pregnancy, it is necessary to know how long the company will offer paid maternity leaves. Gender wage gap should not be there in an organization. Equal opportunities and wage should be provided to women as well.

If a woman is working during night shifts, then she must ensure, whether cab facility is available or not. As safety is the major priority, therefore proper planning of commute is needed. Women should also look for the safety and security in office during night shifts.

Women should carry womanly products like tampons, pad or some makeup product. Never be shy about asking for a restroom. Women can also carry cosmetics in case they have a business meeting and have to look fresh.

Always choose words wisely when working for a new company. Avoid gossips and getting into unnecessary talks. But always speak up when it is required and never compromise or adjust with all every time.

Ensure proper rest and minimum six hours of sleep to remain calm and composed. Balancing between the household chores and work office can be taxing; therefore, women should not cut down on their sleep. Proper sleep keeps the energy level high and helps an individual to stay calm and focused.