Kumari Palany & Co

The state of Tamil Nadu is taking superb efforts to prevent dengue this year

Posted on: 22/Mar/2018 10:14:17 AM
Dengue has been a huge issue in the state of Tamil Nadu. The shocking piece of information is in the year 2017 Tamil Nadu recorded highest number 23,035 dengue cases and as many as 63 persons lost their lives due to this dengue. Now the health department doesn’t want this to happen again in this 2018 and is taking great precautions.

It is now revealed that the state health department has joined hands with state district administrative personnel so that the incidences of dengue could be prevented this year. It is superb to mention here that IgM kits are given for diagnostic purposes of many vector borne diseases and this is under the national vector borne control programme.

As many as 850 IgM kits have been allocated for better diagnostic facility of dengue in the state of TN and this is out of total of 1070 IgM kits for vector borne diseases. As many as 300 IgM additional kits have been allocated to TN and this is against the usual allocation of 500 IgM kits for dengue.

To monitor the dengue cases as many as 30 government hospitals belonging to TN have been listed under sentinel surveillance hospitals. This is under the national vector borne diseases control programme.

Dr K. Kolandaisamy, director of public health, expressed his thoughts and said the state health department is taking great efforts to prevent dengue this year. For this purpose the state health department has given orders to all government hospitals to continue blood sample tests for dengue for all fever cases reported at the hospitals for early reporting of dengue fever cases.

He further threw light on how every public health centre would play its role and it would organise a mass awareness drive regarding dengue. This would be done by the association between public health centres with educational institutions or welfare associations in that place.

Dr K. Kolandaisamy also added that state health department has got its plans so that domestic breeding checks for the management and prevention of vector borne diseases could be done.

It is now said that when monsoon starts personnel belonging to district administration would conduct domestic breeding checks in TN.

Civic authorities have been roped by the health education department belonging to Greater Chennai Corporation or GCC so that survey on mosquito breeding structure plus breeding activity could be carried out.

According to Mr T. Srinivasan health education officer, distribution of pamphlets plus door to door campaigning is very important.