Now is the time to consider switching from festive winter diet to lighter summer fruits and vegetables that actually help you lose weight.
Here are the 5 best summer foods that help shed weight.
The pineapple is nicknamed `natural weight-loss food` for a reason. Full of the proteolytic enzyme, bromelain, it helps digestion. Other than that, it also contains no fat and has a low calorie count making it a `low energy density fruit` which means you can actually enjoy a few mouthfuls of its deliciousness for fewer calories. And topping all of that, it`s stacked with vital vitamins and minerals too!
Apart from just looking pretty, watermelon is about 92 percent water, which fills one up. It`s low in calories and still full of nutrients. It`s one of the best ways to stay cool and hydrated through the summer heat. Its vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants help improve digestion and is a great cleanse for the system, thereby helping weight loss.
The biggest plus point working in tomato`s favor is that it is an antioxidant powerhouse. It is lycopene-rich fat-fighting food which has been established to reduce inflammation and water retention in the body. A little known fact is the water retention can actually make you look fatter. So curbing out chances of that is already a first step towards being slimmer.
Cucumbers water content is higher than 95 percent, which helps the body stay hydrated throughout the summer heat. Not just that the filling snack can also help cut down on the stubborn belly fat. The `super cool` vegetable also flushes out toxins, improves metabolism, and also helps in digestion related issues, like bloating, and constipation.
Zucchini is low in calories and high in water content and fiber. It has zero cholesterol or unhealthy fats and is stacked with several vital nutrients, including potassium which prevents bloating. Apart from helping you lose weight and prevent diseases, zucchini increases satiety and boosts metabolism, which in turn helps burn fat.