SEEDS India delivered five permanent homes to select families in Nyagal, Dolakha, enabling them to rebuild their lives after the devastation of the powerful 7.8 magnitude earthquake in 2015. Funding to construct these homes was possible through a grant from the PwC Charitable Foundation.
Part of the project included professional mason training to members of the community to contribute to the construction of the homes. By supporting professional skills training, like masonry, a sought after skillset in Nepal, these individuals are now in a better position to attract future work opportunities.
Present at the programme were Bharat Bahadur K.C, Mayor, Bhimeshwor Municipality, Gobinda Sapkota, District Forest Officer, Biraj Man Shrestha, Chairperson, Bhimeshwor Municipality Ward no. 2, Jaivir Singh, Vice Chairman, PwC India Foundation and Jagadish Shiwakoti, Chairperson, Rural Enterprise Development Centre.
Jaivir Singh said, “To rebuild lives of people struck by a natural calamity of the scale that hit Nepal, we knew we had to act fast. We needed to bring on-board relevant stakeholders, on-ground collaborators and support the affected community through a comprehensive yet contextually suitable intervention. Through a mix of grant-based and pro-bono assistance, and with support from various organisations, our interventions over the last three years have touched the lives of over 10,000 people across regions that were most impacted.”
Manu Gupta, Co-Founder and Executive Director, SEEDS India added, “We are happy to strengthen our association with the PwC India Foundation that has enabled us to touch lives and provide them with an opportunity of a better future. The homeowners were deeply involved in the construction activity and through the masonry training programme were guided in constructing permanent houses that are safe and secure.”
PwC India Foundation’s (PwCIF) humanitarian intervention in Nepal began during the 2015 earthquake and has continued. A grant from the PwCIF supported SEEDS’ efforts to construct 100 transitional homes across two villages in the Gorkha region, another severely impacted region during the earthquake. PwCIF also undertook a pro bono project for Chaudhary Foundation (CF) – the largest private foundation in Nepal where PwC India’s business teams provided advisory services towards impact assessment, need assessment, fund management and monitoring and evaluation of CF’s transitional shelter programme.
This project serves as an example of a cohesive, private sector-related project, addressing immediate relief, mid-term solutions and long-term rehabilitation needs over the course of time.
A number of PwC territories and external organisations came together to plan and effectively implement interventions. Employee engagement through donations and pro bono services formed an integral part of the project.