In the state of Tamil Nadu students belonging to class 12 have already completed their public examinations recently is known. Those students belonging to class 10 would also be completing their public examinations soon. It is well known that the marks obtained by the students in these examinations play crucial role in deciding their future careers. In this scenario one piece of news has emerged now and that is making many heads turn.
It is now revealed that the results of Tamil Nadu class 10 and class 12 board examinations might be delayed in this year 2018 as the teachers associations have boycotted the evaluation process. It is worthy to mention that the teachers have demanding few things pertaining to their pension plus their pay scale.
On April 12th 2018 the evaluation of class 12 answer sheets started in Tamil Nadu is known. Now this evaluation is not going smoothly and has taken a hit due to the protests from the teachers.
Starting from 24th April 2018 the teachers would completely abstain from their evaluating works unless the demands of them are met.
One important piece of information is more than 2 million students wrote their class 10 and class 12 public examinations this year. As many as 74 answer sheets evaluation camps have been set up.
It is now said that this protest by the teachers is an extension of massive protests by the members of JACTO-GEO that took place in the month of September 2017 and also in the month of January 2018 for 11 point charter of demands from the teachers.
From 11 points the demands have reduced to just 6 points now. Soon we might see a situation where the protestors not only boycotting the answer sheets evaluation but also prevent other teachers from entering these 74 evaluation camps.
Some of the demands of the teachers are scrapping the new pension scheme and reviving the old one, payments on par with central government funded school teachers plus releasing the 7th pay commission arrears that is due for a period of 21 months and regularising their consolidated pay etc.
According to group general secretary Mr. M. Sundaramurthy, JACTTO or Joint Action Council of Tamil Nadu Teachers Organisations, which is a new confederation of more than 15 associations that includes the Tamil Nadu graduate teachers association, have informed both state school education department and directorate of government examinations last week regarding the boycott.
According to a senior official belonging to school education department it is now clear that the government was looking into the demands of the teachers. He also spoke about how efforts are going on in this aspect to arrive at a solution so that the evaluation process doesn’t get delayed.