Kumari Palany & Co

These are amazing health benefits of consuming butternut squash

Posted on: 19/Apr/2018 10:09:26 AM
With pale brown or yellow skin and orange flesh inside, butternut squash are highly consumed vegetable now. It is worthy to note that this butternut squash has got rich amounts of nutrients in it.

The presence of vitamin A, vitamin C plus others like protein, zinc, potassium, folate etc makes this butternut squash a fantastic vegetable.

Not only that, these day there are many who look for healthy diet. This butternut squash loaded with antioxidants are superb.

These are the different health benefits which we would get when we consume this butternut squash.

Lowers and prevents high blood pressure in us - It must be noted that the presence of high amounts of potassium in butternut squash plays great role in preventing or lowering blood pressure in us.

Superb for our eyes - Consuming butternut squash is fabulous for our eyes because this butternut squash has 4 essential types of carotenoids like beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin. Oxidative stress and macular degeneration are prevented by lutein and zeaxanthin.

Prevents birth defects in newborns - This is one of the most important benefits of consuming butternut squash. The presence of folic acids and other B vitamins makes sure the newborns do not have any birth defects.

Free from constipation, bloating etc - Consuming this butternut squash would relieve us from issues like bloating, constipation etc. It is very good for digestive health. It is also said that these butternut squash decrease inflammation and increase immunity in us. Butternut squash is superb source of dietary fibre so other health conditions like heart diseases, diabetes, cancer etc gets improved.

Superb bone strength -This is also an important health benefit of having butternut squash. The presence of potassium, calcium, manganese and magnesium helps in bone strength. Older women and post-menopausal women could get high benefit by having butternut squash.

Helps in weight loss in us - People who consume this butternut squash are highly benefited in this weight loss aspect as the butternut squash has got low calories. This vegetable also prevents our body in generating new fat cells in us.

Consuming butternut squash prevents and fight cancer - Cancer is one of the reasons for many deaths these days is a known fact. By consuming butternut squash we could prevent cancer. Inhibiting the growth of cancer cells is achieved by consuming butternut squash. Lung and ovarian cancers could be treated by the vitamin C in butternut squash.