The famous TV Anchor of Star Vijay Channel, Ma Ka Pa Anand plays lead role in the upcoming movie, Panjumittai, directed by a debutant S.P.Mohan and Nikhila as female lead. The cast includes Senrayan, Pandiarajan, Pandu, Thavasi and other important character actors who did memorable roles in the movie.
The Genre of the movie is Fantasy comedy scripted from the director’s earlier short film called, ‘Coloru’, that was broadcasted in the famous television show, ‘Nalaya Iyakkunar’. The movie was produced by Deepam cinemas and the songs were composed by D.Imman.
Sharath and Divakar of Super Singer along with Chinmayi had sung some beautiful songs in this movie. Yugabarathi penned the lyrics of the song called “My wifeu romba beautifulu” was sung by Divakar, already creating a viral buzz around Internet and F.Ms.
Ma Ka Pa Anand continues the hosting job in Vijay Television shows as the movies were on the lines for the releases. Another Nalaya Iyakunar fame Director Martyn completed a movie with Ma Ka Pa Anand and Suza Kumar in lead roles. Post production works are going on for the movie and the release date will be announced soon.