Hottest day of the year in Chennai with temperature crossing 39 C and Chennai City is expected to see hot above normal 3-4 days, it needs to be seen if Chennai City can cross the 40 C for the first time this year.
Deadly dry hot northwesterlies winds are back in Chennai after an year and the effect is immediately seen with Temperature shooting above.
Chennai Airport and interiors parts of the city will be little more warmer compared to the city. Next 3-4 days will be real summer for Chennai. Sea breeze is our savior and it is expected to come into city shortly
Cheerful news at-last
After 3-4 days, what we waited for so long is expected to happen in Chennai. Some rains are atlast seen for Chennai City after the 3-4 days. After December 1st, 2017, Chennai is yet to see any meaningful rains.
Courtesy: Tamil Nadu Weatherman