Kumari Palany & Co

Avoid browsing centres for online engineering counselling

Posted on: 11/Jul/2018 3:20:43 PM
The secretary of the engineering students admission committee, Raymond Uthariya Raj, has strongly advised that the students/candidates avoid using the private browsing centres for attuning the online counselling sessions.

The secretary explained and conducted a practical demonstration regarding the procedure of the registration for online counselling to the students/candidates. He informed that presently, the application registration and document/certificate verification activities have been completed. The online counselling is scheduled to be conducted in 5 categories based on the rank/merit list/. The candidates who are in the 1st 15000 in the merit/rank list will be participating in the 1st category of counselling. The 2nd 15000 candidates/applicants in the merit list will participate in the 2nd category of online counselling. The balance candidates will be divided into 3 more categories and then counselling will be conducted for them.

3 days’ time will be given during the online counselling for the students/candidates to select and register their preferred course and college.

At 5.00 PM on the 2nd day, the portal lock will be done for the selection of preferred course/college. The students/candidates have to register their preferences before this deadline. The student/candidate can choose any number of preferred course or college. An online tentative seat allotment will be made online based on the general quota or caste quota as per the seat availability in the colleges. The students must confirm it as soon on receipt. The computer software will make the online allotment as per the priority is given by the students. So, it is imperative that the students must clearly indicate their priority selection of the course and college in proper order. In case there are no seats available in the first preferred college, the seat will be allotted if available in the 2nd preferred college.

So, the students need to understand this procedure clearly and proceed accordingly giving the most preferred as the 1st and then the rest as per preference order.

Further, the students/candidates must avoid registering regarding counselling in the private browsing centres. In order to follow this, 42 help centres for counselling for engineering colleges have been set up throughout the state on behalf of the central government. So, it is better to avail this facility and visit the help centres where there are no disturbances as experienced in private net browsing centres.

The best option is to do the online processing at home in one’s residence on one’s own.  The government help centres, set up be Anna University and functioning with their staff, can offer help, and clear doubts while doing the online counselling in the help centres.