The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC), which organizes the recruitment for the various vacancies in the departments of the state government, has informed that there is a change in the date for the written examination for the post of draft trainees from the date originally announced.
The announcement for the posts of draft trainees was made on 4th July. It was mentioned that the written examinations will be conducted from 23rd September to 30th September.
However, the above dates clash with another set of examination s conducted UPSC of the central government (Union Public Service Commission which undertakes the recruitment for the various vacant posts in the departments of the central government) and also examinations conducted by other organizations.
UPSC has announced that the preliminary examinations are scheduled to be conducted for 5 days commencing on 28th September. So, taking due consideration on the clash of dates in the examination and in the interest of the candidates, TNPSC has postponed the dates for the written examination for the posts of draft trainees from the originally announced dates, Now, the exams will be conducted from 6th October to 13th October.