Suffering from severe cold in the chest? Add camphor pieces to some quantity of coconut oil and heat. Allow it to cool and apply on the chest. The chest cold will be gone!
Having an intense headache? Combine a few basil leaves, a piece of dry ginger and 2 cloves and grind to a smooth paste, Apply and rub on the forehead. The headache will vanish.
Feeling coarse and irritation in the throat? Fry a mixture of dry ginger, milk-pepper, thippili, Yelarisi, and powder, take a spoon of the powder, mix with honey and take, The complaint will get cured.
Persistent hiccups? Take a few pieces of gooseberry (Nellikkaai in Tamil), crush, make juice, mix with honey and take. The continuous hiccups will get arrested.
Suffering from indigestion? Take a glass of water. Boil it with some curry leaves, ginger, and cumin seeds, Bring to a boil. Strain and drink. Indigestion will be gone. Otherwise, you may also grind some curry leaves, ginger, cumin seeds, and fennel seeds and make a chutney and take, Or you can chew some betel leaves with some pepper pieces.
Strengthen your digestion system? Boil some water with cumin seeds. Use this instead of the regular water. There will be a remarkable improvement in the digestion system and also, this will cool the body. An alternative method will be to take a spoonful of ginger juice mixed in honey.
Having gastric problems? Dry some quantity of neem flower. Powder and mix this in a glass of warm water and drink. Gastric trouble will get cured and also the long-suffering stomach ulcer will get cured.
Stomach ache? Fry a few tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in ghee and mix it in buttermilk and drink. Stomachache will be cured.
Having some skin problems? Dry the rinds of orange or tangerine in sunlight and powder. Use this instead of sap while taking bath. Skin problems will be cured.
Blocked nose? Peel the skin off a small piece of ginger drop it in half-a-liter of water and boil well. Mix this with some milk and sugar and drink in the mornings and evenings. Nose-block will be cured.
Suffering from irritation in the eye or excess body heat? Soak some fenugreek seeds I water. Grind it well and apply on the hair-roots on the head. Keep for some time and then rinse. There will be healthy hair growth as well as the cure of the eye irritation and excess body heat