In the last 2 weeks there were scattered rainfall in the Chennai city and this had made many happy is known. This daily dosage of scattered rainfall has brought down the temperature below normal for the first time in the last 2 weeks. On Tuesday, 7th August 2018, Nungambakkam recorded 34.3 degree Celsius and that was 0.5 degree Celsius below the normal. In Meenambakkam the temperature recorded was 36.1 degree Celsius and that was 1.2 degree above the normal.
The latest news now is there would be isolated rains in the evenings and the weather would remain pleasant. This was confirmed by the officials belonging to meterological department.
For a period between 1st of June to 7th of August, the city of Chennai had 15 % deficit rainfall. It must be noted that the Chennai city received 172.8 mm of rainfall when compared to the normal of 203.1 mm of rainfall. Chief amounts of rainfall received in the last 24 hours till 8:30 am on Tuesday morning showed that only 7 weather stations in TN recorded any rainfall activity. This was confirmed by official statistics. It is worthy to mention that Valparai in Coimbatore had received highest rainfall of 4cm.