Kumari Palany & Co

Constant checking of email after working hours may harm your health

Posted on: 11/Aug/2018 11:47:27 AM
"Killing me softly: electronic communications monitoring and employee and significant-other well-being,” is the name of the study conducted by William Becker who is a Virginia Tech Professor in Pamplin College of Business. The results of the research concluded that the employees who check their mail inbox constantly even after the working hours can easily invite health hazards.

The study reveals a shocking fact of health degradation occurring to both the individual stressed-out employee along with the family members. The urge or compulsion to check mails in the off-time of the shifts can cause unnecessary damage to the nervous system. The stress and anxiety acquired by the particular person can form a ripple of negative waves around the family.

Companies or any kind of employee based institutions engaging the workers to check mails or respond after the working hours is not a moral act says the study. Becker says the availability of a worker anytime and anywhere evolving only around the career or the job can do harm for mental and physical stability of a person.

Family and relationships get into the zone of expecting the particular person to actually live the life he is supposed to experience from gaining the financial freedom through the employment. The reverse happens in the form of forcing the employees directly and indirectly to shape out their own personal life based on the goodwill of the employer or the concern. Becker will present his study at the Academy of Management annual meeting in Chicago.

Regulations leading to information and communication management preventing the systems not to operate in the off-time hours can lead to better lifestyle ensuring health and mental fitness. Becker also mentions that if a particular job requires constant monitoring of mail communications then the companies should describe beforehand about the job responsibility. This can prevent sudden burst out of stressful emotions causing anxiety that leads to ill effects of the employee and his/her family.