Kumari Palany & Co

Various side effects of consuming packed or frozen foods

Posted on: 22/Aug/2018 9:47:37 AM
These days many of us eat frozen or packed foods. Sometimes we become too tired to cook fresh foods due to our demanding works and we take frozen or packed foods. This is okay if it is done once in a while. It is not advisable to eat frozen packed foods regularly as it would lead to many health issues in us.

These are various the side effects of consuming frozen or packed foods. So be careful.


One issue which has affected many people in this world is diabetes issue. Fresh starch is added to the frozen foods so that these foods are kept fresh. Taste as well as texture to the food is got by means of starch.  Our body converts starch to sugar and then only it is digested. The risk of diabetes could be more due to this excess sugar.

Heart diseases:

It is known that trans- fats are present in the packed or frozen foods. These trans- fats could increase the risk of getting heart disease plus result in the clogged arteries. The bad cholesterol or LDL levels get increased and good cholesterol or HDL levels get reduced by the trans- fats. It is revealed that sodium used as preservative for frozen foods could increase the cholesterol levels in us plus it could increase the BP too.

Excessive calories:

Rich in fat content, frozen foods have twice the number of calories than carbohydrates or proteins. These frozen foods are harmful for our health though they are sold as healthy and nutritious foods.

Cancer risk is more:

It is now said that consuming more frozen or packed foods such as meat etc could result in cancer. Pancreatic cancer could be got by the intake of packed meat. The risk of getting cancer is more than 65 % when certain packed foods like hot dog, salamis etc are consumed by us. Corn syrup is used in these packed foods and this could exhibit cancer causing tendencies.

Other health issues:

Nausea, headache, tingling in the limbs plus chest pain, palpitations, fatigue etc are got by consuming frozen foods or packed foods that have the preservative MSG or monosodium glutamate.

Kidney and liver issues:

The frozen foods have many chemicals present in it and these chemicals are similar to the toxins. To get rid of these toxins, our body has to over work and this could put pressure on the important organs like kidneys and liver.