Kumari Palany & Co

How to reduce blood sugar with the help of Fenugreek seeds?

Posted on: 15/Sep/2018 11:34:12 AM
Diabetes became a household name commonly affecting people resulting from the metabolic imbalance. This kind of metabolic malfunction of the body can be caused by the over consumption of carbohydrates and other unhealthy foods constantly raising the insulin levels in the blood. The excess sugar is eliminated by our system in the form of blood sugar.

It is very important in the treatment of diabetes not to solve the symptoms but to address the main issue inside the body. Taking pills can reduce the uncomfortable symptoms caused by the excess sugar in the body but will never reduce the real issue planted deep inside our bodies. One should address the metabolic disorder by entirely changing the lifestyle added with few Ayurveda based treatments. 

Consumption of white sugar, white grains and other junk foods should be completely avoided on the first hand the moment you are aware of the high blood glucose levels. Through primary tests one can categorize the type of sugar disorder in the body such as Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes, gestational diabetes, and Prediabetes. Fenugreek seeds comes in handy helping the body to recover from the excess blood sugar. Fenugreek seeds can be sprouted when it is kept submerged in water for 12 to 24 hours. The sprouted seeds can be directly consumed for reducing the blood sugar levels in the body. Also drinking fenugreek water first thing in the morning will also help to balance the blood sugar glucose levels in our circulation system.

According to a study published in International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research, 10 grams of fenugreek seeds soaked in hot water can control type-2 diabetes. It also helps in the body’s ability to absorb carbohydrates and sugar from the food we consume in a given day. Indian spices and herbs such as Fenugreek, Turmeric, Pepper, Ginger and the vegetable bitter gourd can be very effective in the treatment of diabetes mellitus.

Taking external medication can retain the badly digested sugar inside our bodies circulating everywhere causing damages to all organs and nervous system. With the initial tests recognizing the excess sugar levels in the blood and urine immediately change the lifestyle with more physical activities and proper diet. Various researches conducted all over the world shows that the Intermittent fasting and stopping the grain consumption can reduce the blood sugar levels immediately.