It is expected that the Northeast monsoon rainy season is set to start from the 3rd week of October. The Chief Electrical Analyst of the Tamil Nadu state government has come up with the details of all precautionary measures in order to protect ourselves from any electrical mishaps.
The electrical wiring work must be entrusted only to the state government approved contractor. Equipment with ISI certification only must be used for installation.
Before inserting the electric connection plugs or taking them out, take care to switch of the plug connection point first. Only 3-pin plug points and connections must be used for equipment like fridge, grinder, etc.
Do not install the TV antenna near the areas where HT (High tension) electricity lines. The cable used for cable TV connection must never be taken along the overhead lines.
Please do not tie the cattle on the electric pillars or where the wires are passing overhead. Do not use the electric pillars as ‘Pandal’ supports. Do not fix any advertisement display boards on these pillars.
During the rainy period, avoid totally walking near the transformers. Electric pillars, stay-wires, etc. Do not go near any electric wire/cable lying cut on the streets/roads. Inform the EB office immediately.
In case removing the tree branches near the electric wires, contact the EB officers first.
Use only the firefighting equipment meant for handling electricity-related mishap. Never attempt to quench the fire by pouring water.
If water is stagnated near an electricity pillar/distribution box, do not go near them. Inform the EB office immediately.
When there is lightning, avoiding standing in the open area. Seek shelter near such as big buildings with concrete roofs or inside a bus, car, van, etc.
When there is lightning, do not take shelter in the huts, or under the trees, or bus sands. Do not stand where water is stagnated. Do not stand near windows which are open.
When there is lightning during rain, avoid using Tv. mixie, grinder, computer.