Save Cow for Milk
Milk - A prime food for all. Cow�s milk nourishes the body and also has lots of energy, medicinal and spiritual properties.
Save Cow for Curd
Cow�s milk gives us curd, curd is very useful ingredient of our food, makes us healthy and our digestion better. It has lot of medicinal properties.
Save Cow for Ghee
It gives us Pure Ghee which is required for making our food more nourishing, This also has lot of medicinal value.
Save Cow for Sweets
Milk, Curd, Cheese, Butter and Ghee are used for making many tasty sweets and other dishes.
Save Cows to save us from Cancer
Cow�s urine is very useful to save us from deadly disease like cancer. There are many more medicines made using cow urine.
Save Cow for Organic Farming
Compost made out of cow�s dung is the essence of organic farming. dung increases the immunity of plants. It protects and increases food fertility of soil.
Save Cows to reduce suicides in farmers
Reason of suicide by Farmers - Low profitability in agriculture, due to increase in the cost of inputs and burden of tractor loan is the main reason for suicides in farmers
Save Cows for Bio Gas
Dung cake may be used in many forms to produce an useful Bi-Product energy. Cow dung can be converted into bio-gas and other source of energy, even electricity.
Save Cows for Ethical Reasons
Killing of a cow means killing of gratitude. Approx. 60,000 cows per minute are butchered every day for its meat in India.
Save Cows, Save Earth
We are becoming dependent for food and energy on outside world, Our health and life on the planet is at stake.
Let�s Save our Cows.