The Madhavaram bus terminus was laid out on a budget of Rs 95 Crore catering buses to other states. Many controversies surrounded the construction in terms of land acquisition and building the facility. Now it is ready to open for public and the inauguration will be held on October 10, 2018. The inauguration is planned to be conducted through Video conferencing on Wednesday 3.30 pm said the official sources.
The terminus was built over eight acres land which was earlier announced in the year 2011 by the then Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, J. Jayalalitha. The initial construction and feasibility reports were unfavorable and had lots of disruptions for the planned schedule. Now looking through a positive perspective the heavy traffic congestion and travel times can be easily resolved with the help of the terminus. The Madhavaram terminus will have bus routed to Tirupathi and other northern regions. There is a separate partition for Metropolitan Transport Corporation (MTC).
The main considerations before the completion was the traffic congestion caused by the trucks and followed by water retention in these areas disrupting the daily transportation. Now the opening of the terminus will heavily reduce the issues of the locality. Kolkata highways also gets affected through water retention and other damages.
Initially the facility had many cracks resulting from compromising quality in terms of materials and contracted construction. People are looking forward a proper maintenance plan and reorganization of the locality’s transportation mapping.