In our fast paced lives we often give excuse of not having time at our disposal for doing exercises. Exercising is not only beneficial for normal persons but also for those women who are pregnant. It is said that pregnant mothers must exercise throughout their pregnancy. By doing regular exercises the pregnant mothers would be fit and healthy. Pregnant mothers must do around 30 minutes of moderate exercise in a day as it would bring them huge benefits.
There are few benefits of doing exercise during pregnancy and they are
Less chance of gaining weight:
This is a superb piece of information. It has been confirmed by the studies that women who exercise during their pregnancy gain less weight when compared to those women who do not do any exercises during their pregnancies.
Labour and delivery could be easy:
Many pregnant mothers experience severe pain during labour and delivery. It is said that fit cardiovascular system plus body could give more strength and stamina for the pushing stage of pregnancy.
Reduces the risk of gestational diabetes:
During pregnancy when a women has high blood sugar then there are more chances of getting type-2 diabetes after the delivery or some time later. Exercise like running during pregnancy could reduce the risk of gestational diabetes.
Relief from pain:
This is one superb benefit of doing exercises like running, water workouts, yoga etc by a pregnant mother. The back pains, cramps, stomach aches occur during pregnancy and by doing exercises mentioned above there would be relief for the pregnant mothers from the pain, cramps etc.
Energy booster:
Exercising by pregnant mothers would increase their energy levels. A walk for just 10 minutes might be small but it could provide lots of energy for the pregnant mothers.
Shorter labour:
Pregnant women who exercise regularly would have shorter labour when compared to other pregnant women who don’t do any exercise.
Recovery is faster:
Not only exercising provides many benefits for women during their pregnancy but even after pregnancy also women could get benefit from exercising. The recovery would be faster after delivering the baby as the mothers would get fitter faster than those women who did not exercise during their pregnancies.
Healthy heart in newborns:
Those mothers who have exercised during their pregnancies would give birth to babies with healthy hearts when compared to those mothers who did not do any exercise during their pregnancy.
Avoid prenatal depression:
Prenatal depression is experienced by many mothers and exercising outdoors would be magnificent as prenatal depression could be prevented.
Stronger immune system:
Presence of strong immune system is very essential and exercising during pregnancy would make immune system stronger. By this the infections and diseases would not attack the pregnant women.