Residents of Chennai know how busy Poonamalle High Road is. Recently the stretch between Koyambedu and Maduravoyal on the Poonamallee High Road was making news due to its poor condition. The latest news is this stretch has been repaired by the National Highway Authority of India or NHAI.
It is important to note that the potholed road near the Daniel Thomas Matriculation School held up traffic during the peak hours and this had created issues for many residents and the motorists using this road. Now NHAI has patched up the stretch between Koyambedu and Maduravoyal on Poonamalle High road. This was regarded as just a temporary measure by a resident of this place.
An official belonging to NHAI spoke about how the agency is concentrating on the elevated corridor and how only minimal improvement would be done on the existing infrastructure when new project was taken by the agency. No huge investment would be made on the existing infrastructure and this was also confirmed by the official. It is worthy to mention that the above mentioned stretch connects the city with western suburbs and industrial corridor at Sriperumbudur. This stretch has got heavy traffic and more than 1 lakh vehicles including long distance buses and container trucks use this stretch present between Koyambedu and Maduravoyal on Poonamalle High Road is known.
The stretch was repaired by NHAI during the festive weekend when the traffic was less and it is now clear that this stretch would be put to test in this week.