On 6th of November 2018, deepavali was celebrated with great joy and excitement in the Chennai city. It is known that a two hour time period was allotted by the Supreme Court to burst crackers and many people violated the order given by Supreme Court in bursting the crackers. Many cases were registered against these people. The deepavali celebrations in Chennai city have made the conservancy workers very busy now. It is now said that as many as 9000 conservancy worked on the streets of Chennai city and they removed 4800 tonnes of garbage plus 64.55 tonnes of fireworks waste. These huge amounts of wastes were generated in a day’s revelry.
The shocking piece of news is in the year 2017 after deepavali 5300 tonnes of waste was generated and this included 80 tonnes of wastes from fireworks. The waste that was generated in this year is low when compared to last year. The conservancy workers made their presence felt from early morning itself and they worked in shifts to clean interior and many bus route roads in Chennai city. The conservancy workers were assigned to work in the shifts 24# 7 for a period of 3 days from 5th November to 7th November. This was confirmed by the sources belonging to the civic body.
In every zone the fireworks waste was collected and weighed and later sent to Gummidipoondi based Industrial Waste Management Association. In Gummidipoondi these wastes would be processed separately. As per the statement of an official it is now clear that by the Wednesday, 7th November evening, as much as 9.04 tonnes of fire wastes were sent to this facility. One important point is as many as 45 mini-compactors and many tricycles were utilized for the purpose of collecting the fireworks wastes. Many conservancy trucks also made their presence felt as these trucks collected the usual wastes generated across the commercial establishments and houses. Many streets had leftovers from the fireworks wastes even after the conservancy workers did multiple rounds in cleaning of streets and door to door collection of wastes.
According to an official data, the corporation zones belonging to Adyar and Ambattur grabbed many eyeballs as they accounted for the highest amount of debris and waste generated. It must be noted that Adyar zone and Ambattur zone accounted for 10.81 and 7.3 tonnes of waste respectively. The surprising piece on information is Anna Nagar as well as Madhavaram zones recorded least amounts of waste generated little and it was over one tonne.
An official belonging to the corporation revealed that the conservancy workers have been engaged round the clock as the deepavali celebrations would be there next day also. By Thursday, the streets of Chennai city would be totally cleared of the debris.