Kumari Palany & Co

Important home remedies for mosquito bites

Posted on: 16/Nov/2018 12:54:41 PM
Rain comes as a savior from extreme heat and water scarcity. It should be welcomed without any doubt but the only concern for people is the rise of mosquitoes in the season. Water logged in many places helps for the reproduction of the insects leading to extensive breeding. It is very difficult for children and sickly people to handle the mosquito bites in night times. Many skin allergies and communicable diseases are widely spread in this season, mosquitoes being the main host for such microbes.

State and central government takes many measures with the water logging awareness and other direct smoking process to destroy over hatching of mosquitoes in this season. However nature selected this particular insect to love with us and we should have an eco-system along with many such organisms. Here are some of the important strategies to follow in terms of mosquito bites.

Ice massage

Ice massage reduces inflammation on the skin caused by the bite. You should not apply ice cubes directly on the surface of the skin. Put it inside a clean cloth and use it like an ice pack rubbing gently on the affected area. The impact of the bite and after effects can be largely reduced with the help of the ice pack massage over the bite. 

Aloe Vera gel

Aloe Vera acts as a natural antiseptic and antibacterial medicine that can prevent itching and swelling caused as a result of mosquito bite. Peel out the gel from a bright branch of Aloe Vera and rub it gently on your skin layer. Allow it to dry for ten to fifteen minutes and then wash away the gel. Generally it is effective for all kinds of skin issues especially to reduce the inflammation of insect bites.


With its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory property Lemon juice will be an effective medicine for mosquito bites. Apply the juice on the affected area and gently rub it in a circular fashion. This will soothe out the infection on the skin layer eradicating any kind of dangerous microbes over the bite layers.

Apple cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar levels the PH value on the affected area that plays a huge role in reducing the infection and inflammation. It can also be combined along with baking soda for more effective results.

Neem paste

Neem paste from the fresh leaves is very effective for almost any kind of insect bite. It reduces any kind of communicable diseases spread through the mosquito bite affected area as a carrier to the body. The anti-allergic and anti-viral property of neem can blur the multiplication of germs over the skin layer completely soothing out the inflammation away from the body. You can also put neem leaves in a big container and allowing it for half an hour before taking bath with that water. It can cue almost any kind of skin issues based on the reduced immunity and other insect bites.