Vodafone had launched new prepaid plans last week. They were priced of the range Rs 169 wherein users get a lot of benefits including unlimited phone calls. And now it is the turn for Airtel where it has launched a comparable plan for the same price Rs 169. As far as its benefits is concerned, it provides the users with unlimited national calls along with 100 daily limit of local SMS.
Furthermore, the plan comes with daily data limit of 1GB including 2G, 3G or 4G. The plan validity is 28 days which refers that you can get a maximum download of 28GB. This Rs 169 plan is open to all the Airtel prepaid users in India.
Setting this against Vodafone’s Rs 169 scheme, it offers local calls and national calls both of which are unlimited along with daily SMS limit of 100 with validity period of 28 days. Further, there is 1GB of daily data usage which can either be 3G or 4G. There is no FUP with Airtel, but there are a few with Vodafone though.
Once the daily limit is all burnt, users may keep using internet at high speed still at the cost 0.50 paise per MB. Regarding calls, up to 250 calls are allowed on a day to day basis, and the weekly limit is set as 1000 calls. As the users burn all the free calling limit, they will be charged Rs 1.2 per second. In other words, it is Re 1 per minute of phone call. This is based on the circle of network and customer segmentation.
These plans by Vodafone and Airtel will directly compete with that of Reliance Jio that is priced Rs 149. Here, there is no FUP for phone calls and it is unlimited. The validity is 28 days and the daily SMS limit is 100. Furthermore, it provides unlimited data usage of 1.5GB which is 4G data. As the users burn up the full limit of the day, the speed will dip down to 64kbps until midnight. There is also complimentary access provided to all the suite of Reliance Jio apps.