On Thursday, 20th December 2018, Union Public Service Commission or UPSC announced the results of the civil services (main) examination. It is now very clear that in the state of Tamil Nadu there has been 40 percent dip in the number of candidates qualifying for the interview (personality test) when compared to the previous year. This has been due to the fewer vacancies in IAS, IPS and other services notified in this year.
The information that was gathered was out of total 10,400 aspirants who have appeared for the main exams, 1994 have qualified for the personality test. A total of 530 candidates have appeared for the main exams from TN and approximately 131 of these got qualified for the interview. This was confirmed by the managing director of Shankar Academy, S.D. Vaishnavi. She then spoke about the reduction in the number of vacancies and said in the previous year UPSC have notified as many as 990 vacancies whereas in the present year it has come down to 782. Vaishnavi threw light on how the commission would call the candidates only in the 1:2.5 ratio to the interview and how this has caused dip in the numbers. In the previous year as many as 13,365 candidates appeared for the main examinations and in this year the number of candidates was less.
Mr. Israel Jebasingh, IAS, founder and director of Officers IAS Academy, spoke about how the details of the results were not known completely and how the total number of students who got qualified for the interview was less when compared to the previous year.
From the 4th of February 2019, the personality test would start and the qualified candidates would have to appear for this test. It is well known that the preliminary examinations were conducted on 3rd June 2018 and a total of 6.5lakh candidates wrote the preliminary exam.