Kumari Palany & Co

Health benefits of taro root

Posted on: 30/Dec/2018 10:14:00 AM
Found growing in places like South Central Asia, India and in the Malay Peninsula etc, taro root or arbi is a perennial herbaceous plant. It could grow to a height of 1 or 2 metres is well known. Taro root belongs to the family named ‘Araceae’ and it has got corm like structure from which the root grows downwards. This plant has got fibrous root system that grows underground. It must be taken into account that taro root is thick, tuber stalk of the taro plant and is regarded as one of the first cultivated plants in human history. The sensational information is arbi or taro root could even grow in the flooded areas because of its petioles that could transfer materials even when present under the water.

Arbi or taro root has got proteins, fats, fibres, starch plus others like vitamin C, minerals like iron, sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium etc in it. Intake of this plant could provide many health benefits to us.

Various health benefits are

Control of blood sugar possible:

The amazing point is taro root has got low glycemic index and intake of taro root would be of great help to those with diabetes as blood sugar could be controlled. It is said that balance of blood glucose levels is possible by this plant plus it controls lipids and triglycerides. BMI maintenance is possible.

Good for digestive health:

The high fibre content in taro root does a superb role in maintaining our digestive health. These fibres bulk up the stools and easy movement through the bowel is got. Issues like IBS and constipation are avoided in us.

Cancer is avoided:

The polyphenols present in taro root does tremendously in preventing cancer in us as they are natural antioxidants. The studies have shown that quercetin in taro root could play the role as chemo-preventers and finally block the growth of cancer cells.

Heart health gets improved:

The health of our heart is very important and intake of arbi or taro root could help in this due to the presence of potassium in the taro root. Potassium plays an amazing role in relieving stress and pressure on the blood vessels and arteries etc. BP gets lowered and the stress on the cardiovascular system gets reduced.

Good for eyesight:

The taro root has got beta-carotene and cryptoxanthin and these prevent free radicals attacking ocular cells leading to macular degeneration etc. Our vision gets improved by the intake of arbi.