Of the most popular days on Gregorian Calendar, the 1st of January which is marked as the New Year is of utmost importance. This day is generally celebrated with a lot of love and greetings shared among loved ones and family members. People at various corners of the world have their own way and style of welcoming the New Year.
So, what does the New Year actually signify? Let us know
Most of us assume New Year to be a modern practice and that it doesn’t have anything to do with traditions – wrong! New Year, in many parts of the world, has got deep spiritual roots.
Coming on to the Romans, they celebrate it with 6 days of carousing. There are legends that state that missionary from England called St Boniface made a visit to Rome in 742 and got impressed with the way in which Kalends of January were celebrated and hence the name New Year.
New Year, however indicates a few and all-beginning where we forget all the bad memories and go ahead and make everything afresh with positivity. In most of the countries, there is the practice of getting rid of old things and furniture and get everything all new.
There is also the practice of creating effigies using straws. This will be buried on the last day of the year indicating that you get rid of all the old negative things of life. On the day of New Year, people are said not to sweep their houses as they believe sweeping would sweep away the good luck of the house as well. Also, sharing loving and caring words with your partner on the day of New Year is believed to strengthen relationships.
So what is your belief about this New Year?