Kumari Palany & Co

Health benefits of horned melons

Posted on: 02/Jan/2019 5:51:52 PM
How many of us have come across kiwano in our lives? Kiwano belongs to the cucumber and melon family and is also known by the name ‘horned melon’. It is important to note that kiwano is a traditional food plant in the African regions. Having similarities with pomegranate and passion fruit in the texture, horned melon or kiwano does fabulously in the dry seasons in the popular Kalahari Desert by acting as a source of water. The ingredients present in horned melon or kiwano are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, water, folate, fibres, vitamin A etc. Minerals like calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium are also found in this horned melon.

These are the health benefits we get by consuming horned melon or kiwano

Improves digestion:

By the intake of horned melon or kiwano our digestion process is improved and healthy digestive system is maintained in us. The presence of fibres in this fruit plays an important role here. Our bowel movements get regulated and issues like constipation, bloating etc are avoided in us.

Superb for eye health and vision:

The presence of vitamin A in this amazing fruit plays a huge role in elimination of free radicals that could lead to macular degeneration in us. Issues like cataract etc are avoided by the intake of horned melon. Our eye health gets boosted.

Helps in weight loss:

When we consume kiwano that has got 80 percent of water content then we would feel full. This could lead to low intake of foods. Weigh loss would be possible. Our body would get necessary energy by the nutrients present in the fruit.

Improvement in cognitive function:

Here vitamin E does superbly and it improves our cognitive function to a great extent. The onset of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia gets slowed down by the vitamin E present in this fruit.

Slows down premature ageing:

One amazing health benefit of consuming horned melon or kiwano is it slows down premature ageing in us. Production of collagen in us is improved and damaged organ tissues get repaired. The spots or wrinkles on our faces could be reduced due to antioxidants along with vitamin A and organic compounds in kiwano.

Good for bones:

The growth and development of our bones is improved by the presence of calcium and zinc in this fruit. Bone related issues like osteoporosis are avoided. Repairing of our bones takes place due to the presence of many minerals in horned melon.

Good for heart health:

Our heart muscles get superb strength when we consume the seeds of horned melon or kiwano. The linoleic acid in these seeds plays a crucial role. Overall cardiovascular health gets improved by the low cholesterol level and oleic acid in the fruit.