DMK president M Karunanidhi on Thursday alleged, that the Sri Lankan police had allegedly created hurdles to prevent hundreds of Tamil protesters from leaving northern Vavuniya town to take part in a rally in Colombo and said such "autocratic" activities by the island government were condemnable.
The rally was taken in order to press their demands including finding out missing Tamils and releasing those lodged in jails as prisoners of war.
The DMK leader recalled that the US Embassy in Sri Lanka had asked Colombo to allow free movement of citizens. "These family members are calling for information about their missing loved ones. The Embassy calls upon Sri Lankan authorities to allow free movement of these citizens. The right to freely express opinions is universal and protected under Sri Lankan and international law," the US Embassy had said on Wednesday.
The people who prevented from proceeding to Colombo staged the protest at Vavuniya itself, the DMK leader said and added that the Sri Lankan government is denying the basic democratic rights and is involved in such autocratic activities.