As per the announcement released by the Tamil Nadu State Government, the Pongal festival special gift pack and a cash of Rs. 1000 is set to be distributed in all the ration shops in the state.
The state government of Tamil Nadu had announced the Pongal gift pack of raw rice, sugar, cashew nuts, raisin, cardamom, and a piece of sugarcane for all ration card holders.
Further, during the inaugural Governor address in the 1st Legislative Assembly Session in the state, a Pongal special gift of cash of Rs. 1000 was announced.
The Tamil Nadu Chief Minister, E. Palanisamy inaugurated the distribution of Pongal gift pack day-before-yesterday (5th January) at the Chennai Secretariat.
Subsequently, the Pongal Festival Special Gift Pack and Rs. 1000 in cash is set to be distributed in all the ration shops throughout Tamil Nadu from today (Monday, 7th January).
The people who have misplaced or lost their ration cards can show their Aadhar cards and receive the Pongal gift Pack.