The city of Chennai is starved of water resources and it has been awaiting the supply of Krishna water since January is known. Earlier in this week a discussion took place at the first meeting of Krishna River Management Board in Hyderabad regarding the discharge of water from Kandaleru reservoir in AP. To discuss water sharing and allocation of water to Tamil Nadu, representatives belonging to the 5 states like Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka took part in the meeting along with the Central Water Commission.
The news that has come out is Chennai city would get a fourth of Krishna water due in the first quarter and that too only in the month of March and not before. Water Resources Department or WRD sources have pointed out that the authorities of Andhra Pradesh have suspended water release to cater the irrigation needs in their state. The total capacity of Kandaleru reservoir is 68,000 mcft but it has got just 12,270 mcft of water now. As per the inner state agreement under the Krishna water supply project, Chennai was supposed to get 4000 mcft water from the month of January to April. It is brought out that the WRD expects to receive around 1000 mcft of water.
The reason for the delay of Krishna water supply to Chennai was due to Andhra Pradesh looking to shore up the resources and this was confirmed by a source. Only after the harvest season gets over then the water might be released. In the meeting, modalities on water sharing between the states and the release of Krishna water that was due to TN were also discussed. Four other states must jointly release 15000 mcft of water to TN and this was according to the projects.
At the meeting there were some talks about the means to reduce evaporation loss during the transmission of water and the states agreed to provide water in principle. As per an official it is clear that the ways to share water must be worked out and the board would monitor the quantum of water provided. Twice in a year, the board would meet and discuss about the Krishna water sharing issue.