The State Government department of Tamil Nadu for Job opportunities has announced that even the private sector organisations can come forward and participate in the recruitment of suitable candidates through this Department.
In notification released by the commissioner of the Department of Job Opportunities, it is mentioned:
‘The Department of the Job Opportunities in the state government of Tamil Nadu undertakes the services of the process of recruitment for various jobless candidates with different academic qualifications such as graduates, diploma holders, ITI (Industrial Training Institute) Certificate holders, etc., as per the requirements of the private sector industry job needs.
On Fridays every week, a camp ‘Job Opportunities Friday’ is conducted. Candidates with academic qualifications starting from 8th Standard passed to graduates participate in these camps.
The private sector organisations interested in recruiting these candidates can send the details of their requirements and other details to the official website - to the office of the Commissioner of the Job Opportunities and training. There are no charges for this service.’