In order to provide a new facility o its passengers, the Indian Railways has made an agreement with Magzter.
It is well-known and well-appreciated that trains are the No.1 transport media for the public for travelling long distances. Most of the passengers have the habit of reading books especially while undertaking a long journey.
In this situation, IRCTC (Indian Railways Catering and Tourism Corporation) has joined hands with the leading online service provide Magzter. With this, the passenger, while booking the ticket, this facility can also be availed.
Indian Railways has been dealing with 6.6 Crores of passenger customers every day! Now, the passengers are being given another wonderful facility –they can use their smartphone or tablet or laptop to over 5000 newspaper or weekly/monthly magazines or books on a variety of over 4- topics including automotive, trading, comics, education, cinema, fashion, fitness, lifestyle, news, politics, technology, and tourism. It is notable that the more than 40 topics mentioned above are also the preference of the wide age group – 6-60 years of age!
This facility is to be given to the IRCTC with a variety of concessions. For the first time use, it will be free for the 1st 7 days. After that, the charges will be Rs. 20 per day or Rs. 30 per week OR Rs. 99 per month OR Rs. 499 per year from the 8th day of use.
In this facility, the newspapers and magazines/books from other countries apart from India, such as the USA, Britain, Singapore, Australia, Canada, and South Africa in an unlimited way!
Once the preferred item is downloaded, the reading can be continued even without the internet. So, there is no need to worry even in case the internet fails!