It is known that the commercial launch of Train 18 on the Delhi –Varanasi route would take place soon. The latest news that has emerged out now is the Indian railways had decided to produce as many as 10 rakes for 2019-20.
The important piece of information collected was two weeks back Indian railways had given approval to Chennai based ICF or Integral Coach Factory to manufacture 10 Train 18 rakes. Point to be noted is the approved annual schedule was just 5 rakes. Before the month of March in the year 2020, ICF is gearing up to manufacture 10 Train 18 rakes and this has been confirmed by none other than Mr. Shubhransu, principal chief mechanical engineer of ICF. He explained about how the first set of rakes would be launched soon and how the second rake would be rolled out by next month. He confirmed that ICF would be rolling out 10 rakes before March 2020. The information gathered was after March 2020 one rake of Train 18 would be made in ICF.
It must not be forgotten that the first rake that was rolled out cleared all the mandatory safety as well as speed tests and the decision to double the production of Train 18 was taken by the railway board and it comes at this point of time. This has caught the attention of many. The superb information that was collected was the semi high speed train surpassed 180 kmph in the speed tests and this was the highest speed for any train in India. The important point is the self propelled chair car train set would run without locomotive and it was manufactured using 80 % of indigenous materials under ‘Make in India’ programme.
From the information got from multiple railway sources it is clear that ICF had recommended to the railway board to allocate second or third rake to southern railway to replace Chennai-Mysuru Shahtabdi express. As per a highly placed official of railways, by September the third rake of Train 18 would be rolled out and it would get allotted to southern railway for operating in Chennai- Mysuru section.