Flying Rainbow Creative Art Centre is an educational Institution aimed at nurturing Creativity through Art & Craft skills in a structured manner. It is aimed at developing Creativity through Art skills while combining behavioral skills like communication and teamwork. The curriculum is designed to help children learn the basics strongly and learn creativity through experiential method using multiple methodologies and mediums. The curriculum caters to different types of learners and different set of age groups.
Art is everywhere and it is a basic skill for human life such as how reading, writing and talking are essential in our day today life. All activities of human provide a space for uniqueness when combined with Art. Developing artistic skills pave way for yielding greater benefits such as follows:
- Ability to Express
- Observation Power
- Creative Thinking
- Memory Power
- Visual Learning
- Concentration Power
- Self Satisfaction & Confidence
- Time Management
- Discipline
- Problem Solving Skills
- Emotional Resilience
- Motivation
- Recognition
For more details contact: 8939976688
Our Branches: Kilpauk and Porur
Flying rainbow creative art centre,
186, 6th Street,Samayapuram Nagar, Porur, Chennai- 116
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