Huge population present in the Chennai city has been making the city dirty and many efforts are being taken by the civic body in Chennai city to keep the city neat and clean. It is now revealed that the civic body would purchase as many as 4 litter picking machines and these machines would suck up the plastic cups, plates and other paper waste.
Initially these machines would be utilized on the arterial roads and based on the performance more such machines would be purchased. In Nungambakkam in Chennai, a trial run was undertaken by the Glutton, Germany based company. It was this company that introduced civic body about these machines. Mr. Prabhakar, executive engineer of the mechanical department spoke about how each machine costs Rs 20 lakhs and how they wanted the Indian companies to supply these machines at a cheaper cost.
On Monday, tenders would be opened. He then explained that these machines would be initially used in more crowded places like bus stands, parks, beaches etc and it would be a bigger version of vacuum cleaner.
As per an official it was brought out that many private contractors in India were using these machines. He then pointed out that his department would not purchase more machines as the technology needs to be proved first. He hinted that more workers would be trained and more machines would be purchased later. The important point is civic body has got as many as 16 mechanical road sweepers and these sweepers could suck off dust from the roads.
The sensational piece of information is these mechanical sweepers could remove dust as small as 60 microns from the roads. Under the Swachh Bharat Mission scheme, GCC has purchased 6 more mechanical sweepers in the month of August in 2018 is well known.
It must be noted that these mechanical sweepers are being used in Chennai city and these machines collect 4 cubic meters of dust at a time. A sanitary worker expressed his thoughts and said he and his team members would feel happy if they were given gloves, masks and such machines.