The Railway Officials have informed that the high-speed Tejas Express, scheduled to run between Chennai an Madurai, is all set to start on 1st March.
The Southern Railway has already announced that a high-speed train will be run between Chennai and Madurai.
The Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, visited Tirupur on 10th February. It was expected that Tejas Express will be inaugurated during this period. However, only Chennai Metro Rail Expansions Project was inaugurated during this date. Tejas express was not inaugurated.
In this scenario, it was expected that Tejas Express might be inaugurated when Prime Minister Narendra Modi when he visited Kanyakumari on 19th February. However, this Kanyakumari trip by the Prime Minister has been postponed to 1st March. So, it is gathered that the Tejas Express might be inaugurated on 1st March.
Tejas Express has been designed with all the latest facilities to run at high speeds.