Kumari Palany & Co

Chennai to Bengaluru in just 25 minutes could be possible in the future

Posted on: 06/Mar/2019 10:14:48 AM
In the past we would have come across the news about hyper loop involving Mumbai and Pune and the amazing advantage it could provide to the people. The latest news is Avishkar Hyperloop, a student team from IIT Madras, has successfully built a prototype hyperloop pod. By this the people would be able to travel from Chennai to Bengaluru in just 25 minutes of time. Sounds incredible right!!

It is known that International HyperLoop Pod competition was organised by Elon Musk’s SpaceX. It is revealed that Avishkar Hyperloop is the only Indian team that entered the finals of the above mentioned competition and made many heads turn. Not many of us are aware of the fact that hyperloop is being hailed as the 5th mode of transportation that could move both people as well as freight quickly. It is worth mentioning that passengers or cargo are loaded into the hyperloop pod and accelerated gradually using electric propulsion through low pressure vacuum tube.

The amazing piece of news that has come out now is the prototype pod developed by the IIT M students could achieve 400 to 450 kmph speeds during the finals at the Los Angeles in USA. It is superb that around 1600 teams took part in the competition and out of which just 22 teams got shortlisted for the finals.

Mr. Pranit Mehta, head, marketing and sponsorship programme, Avishkar Loop, expressed his delight and spoke about how their team was the first from India to get qualified for the finals. He then explained about how a fully functional prototype vehicle would be needed to be constructed by his team. He later threw light on how the 22 teams that qualified for the finals would need to take their prototype pods and run it through vacuum tube at Space X’s headquarters in California in USA.

According to a PG student and head of Avishkar Hyperloop team, Mr. Suyash Singh, technologies like magnetic levitation and linear induction motors were considered for the hyperloop as these would reduce the inter-city travel times hugely.